Online Japanese exam practice
Study and test Japanese, synthesize all Japanese exam questions in the preparation textbook, Japanese exam questions of the years , jlpt exam questions, nat-Test questions, top-J exam questions, j-test questions, Japanese vocabulary test. All exam questions including call, bunpou, dokkai, choukai, are done right on the web (Japanese mock exam like the real exam), after completing the test, you can see the answers and translate the meaning in detail. In the development process will inevitably be omissions, we look forward to your positive feedback to the administrator. For a Japanese community there is an effective comprehensive exam practice place! Thank you and good luck with your studies! See instructions on contacting support at fanpage . Join Group Q&A
Practice solving selected problems
Practice solving N5, N4, N3, N2, N1 exam questions including vocabulary (もじごい) kanji, grammar (ぶんぽう) reading comprehension (どっかい) listening comprehension (ちょうかい)
Practice problem solving jlpt N5 full
Practice problem solving jlpt N4 full
Practice problem solving jlpt N3 full
500 questions N3
Gokaku dekiru N3
Practice solving problems N2 full
Practice solving problems N1 full
Pawa-doriru N1 パワードリル
Trial exam and problem solving of the years
Japanese language test questions from previous years. You can add more knowledge and experience for the Japanese language exam Japanese language test year:
JLPT N1 questions of the years
JLPT N2 questions of the years
JLPT N3 questions of the years
JLPT N4 questions of the years
JLPT N5 questions of the years
J-test Nat test
j test nat test year mock test to prepare for j test nat test
N5 nat test questions
N4 nat test questions
N3 nat test questions
N3 J test questions
Learn Japanese for Beginner N5 N4
After learning the alphabet and basic greetings, you continue to study Minna no Nihongo and conversational Japanese. 50 Minna no Nihongo lessons divided into 8 categories: Vocabulary, grammar, reading practice, conversation, listening practice, exercise, kanji and test. With additional lessons on communication, beginner level kanji N4, N5.
Learn Japanese online N5 with the teacher mina no nihongo
Learn Japanese online with a teacher with minano nihongo N4 textbook
Learn Japanese Intermediate N3
Learn the Shinkanzen N3 textbooks, mimikara N3 in turn. Lessons are divided into 5 categories: Vocabulary, grammar, kanji, reading, listening practice. Learning a combination of the above two textbooks helps in the N3 preparation process. The above 2 textbooks are often used by students because they are very close to the special exam questions of vocabulary, you use the mimikara N3 textbook, and for reading comprehension grammar, you often use the Shinkanzen N3 textbook.
Shinkanzen N3
Shinkanzen Vocabulary N3
Grammar shinkanzen N3
Read and understand shinkanzen N3
Listen to understand shinkanzen N3
Mimikara N3
Mimikara vocabulary N3
Grammar mimikara N3
Learn Japanese Intermediate N2
Learn the Shinkanzen N2, mimikara N2 textbooks in turn. Lessons are divided into 5 categories: Vocabulary, grammar, kanji, reading, listening practice. Learning a combination of the above two textbooks helps in the N2 preparation process. The above 2 textbooks are often used by students because they are very close to the special exam questions of vocabulary, you use the mimikara N2 textbook, and for reading comprehension and listening grammar, you often use the Shinkanzen N2 textbook.
Shinkanzen N2
Vocabularyshinkanzen N2
Grammar shinkanzen N2
Read and understand shinkanzen N2
Listen to understand shinkanzen N2
Mimikara N2
Vocabulary mimikara N2
Grammar mimikara N2
Learn and test Kanji
Learn kanji according to kanji and test after each lesson in a total of 2136 kanji
Kanji N5
Kanji N4
Kanji N3
Kanji N2
Kanji N1
Japanese learning materials
Summary of Japanese learning materials, exam preparation materials, kanji materials
Kanji learning materials
Study materials and preparation for N3
N2 study and preparation materials